Every Dollar Matters
Consider giving through payroll deduction. Even $1.00 per paycheck can make a difference (PDF, 228 KB).
A $1 gift per paycheck can buy:
- 7 home repair applications for seniors in need
- 2 hours of respite care
- 1 hour of home health aide services
- 5 days of meals on wheels for one person
- 2 hours of group respite care for 7–9 children
- Print materials on mental health issues
- Evaluations of children with disabilities
- 1 hour of problem-solving training for a teenager
- An in-home parenting session with educational materials, cooking instruction, donated blankets and other baby supplies
- 2 round-trips of transportation from a rural home to the pediatrician’s office for a mom and baby
- Lunches for 50 low-income people at the Friendship Center
- Partial cost to prevent an eviction from a residence
- 1 hour of peer counseling
- Scholarship money for students to attend a variety of summer recreation programs
- A detailed workbook for students working to improve their literacy
- Supplies (paper, pen & pencils, calculators) for academic assistance programs
- Snacks for youth in after-school and teen programs
A $2 gift per paycheck can buy:
- Labor to apply sealant to roof valleys to stop leaks, to fix a leaking faucet, or make a door entry threshold more secure
- 1 hour of caregiver counseling
- 1 hour of grandparent support groups (grandparents training to raise their children’s children)
- 10 days of meals-on-wheels for 1 person
- Respite care for 14–18 children
- Books and materials on wellness for recovery
- 1.5 hours of professional development for 6 volunteer mediators on mediation, home skills and coaching
- 2 scholarships for community elders annual membership fee for participation in the Senior program
- Partial cost of college application fees for a teen in need
- An educational program for 15–25 parents, grandparents, and other caregivers
- Diapers for a newborn for five weeks
- A night of shelter for a fire victim
- Food and clothing for a fire victim
- 1 hour of American Sign Language Interpreter
A $3 gift per paycheck can buy:
- 1 night of shelter to a homeless person with food, personal hygiene products, linens, and case management
- 1 bath bench for the loan closet (for use by people with disabilities)
- Cleaning of gutters at an elderly person’s home
- Installation of 2 bath railings in a bathroom
- 1 hour counseling for a child, parent or adult
- 15 days of meals-on-wheels for one person
- 1 scholarship for a parent to participate in a 6-hour training session on dealing with family conflicts
- Assistance with high school re-enrollment or GED class registration for a teen parent
- Internet access for students and staff
- 1 scholarship for a child to participate in the 13 9-to-5 day programming during the school year.